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On the base there is a thumb ring to enable the box to be held in the hand whilst sketching.
These strongly made metal boxes are enamelled black on the outside and white on the inside. Each box has mixing surfaces, as well in the lid as in the fold out palette. The boxes are fitted with rails for tubes or transportable inlets with rails for half or whole pans in the following sizes:
Pad printing of all Products for Inside and outside possible.
Information: When u Contact us, plase give us the Picture-Number on the left-bottom side.
Metal Artist´s Water Colour Box 24/2
Metal Artist´s Water Colour Box 36/2
Metal Artist´s Water Colour Box 48/2
Different Tube 36 / 2 Boxes
Metal Artist´s Water Colour
Box for 12 colours
Metal Artist´s Water Colour
Box for 12 colours
Metal Artist´s Water Colour
Box for 12 colours
Metal Artist´s Water Colour
Box for 12 colours
Metal Water Colour Paint
Box for 24 colours